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Can you beat the score of this nurse?
The medical term for a natural recurring desire is called what?
What are sperm and egg cells called?
Arthritis of several joints at once is called what?
The vessels that carry blood back to the heart are called what?
What is it called when you move a limb on your body toward your center?
Glucose, fructose and galactose are called what?
What is the name of the condition which causes oily skin and spots?
What is the name for headache and sickness felt after drinking too much?
Which word best describes the number of neurons in the human brain?
What is the name for a doctor who treats teeth?
We selected 3 interesting quizzes for you
Do you remember the 50s?
Do you know who these famous people from the 60s and 70s are?
We bet you don't know a thing about who invented these things!