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Math Quiz

Question 1
4275+2854+1433 equals what number?
Question 2
2667+1782+897 equals what number?
Question 3
What is 0.92 as a percentage?
Question 4
A ferry travelled 48km from the shore before the captain turned left and 26km to its final destination. What was the total distance travelled?
Question 5
If it's 10am in New York, 7am in Los Angeles and 4pm in Paris – how many hours ahead of Los Angeles is Paris?
Question 6
76x38+77 equals what number?
Question 7
3852+2572+1292 equals what number?
Question 8
2736+1828+920 equals what number?
Question 9
If you eat 71 sweets from a tub that contains 324 how many sweets do you have left?
Question 10
2265+1514+763 equals what number?
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